These are the ingredients for some organic veggie and flax chips that I bake in my dehydrator at a low temp (105) to preserve the nutritional value of the veggies and sprouted nuts and grains. 

 Ready for the dehydrator!

Organic Veggie and Flax Chips

Seeds, Grains, and Sunshine!
Smoothie Diva

Soak in 4 cups of filtered water for several hours or over night:
3 cups raw organic flax seeds
1 cup raw organic sunflower seeds
Dice or pulse in a food processor the following:
1 organic red bell pepper
1 organic hot pepper (optional)
2-3 organic carrots (depending on size)
Puree in food processor or a Blendtec blender:
3-4 organic tomatoes (depending on size)
2-3 stalks organic celery (depending on size)
2 teaspoons organic garlic
1/3 cup organic soy (you can leave off if you have a soy alergy)
1 tsp. sea salt (or to taste/preference)
1 tbsp. chipotle or chili powder
(a little cumin and corriander could also be added if you creative! :)
In a large mixing bowl mix all three mixtures together well (don't be afraid to get your hands dirty :)  Spread on plastic dehydrator sheets, about an 1/8 to 1/4 of inch or so thick. Score into square or triangle shapes and dehydrate at 105 degrees until crackers are dry on top, about 24 hours or so. Turn over, take off teflex sheets, and finish drying until chips are crispy.  Although these are dehydrated they are considered raw because of the low temperature.
Note: You could also add a cup of nutritional yeast for a cheesy flavor.


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